Saturday, February 06, 2016


To see if Git is installed on your computer: $git

If you don't have git, to install it:

To find out which version of Git that you have: $git --version

"which" tells you where the command is located on the disk so it gives you the path to it. It will only work on executables. To find out where Git is installed: $which git

There's one file called .gitconfig in the home directory with global git settings. To setup username and email key to associate with your commits:
$git config --global "Josephine March"

To make your Git color coded: $git config --global color.ui true

If you change your permissions, git will ignore it if you run this command:
$git config --global core.filemode

Telling git to use nano as your CL text editor. This is very helpful with merges.
$git config --global core.editor nano

To see all the configurations:
$git config --list

To add a single untracked file into the repository:
$git add {filename}

To add all untracked files into the repository:
$git add .
$git add --all

To show what changes have been made:
$git diff

To show what changes have been made in a single file:
$git diff {filename}

Adding a file is staging. If you want to undo a stage:
$git reset HEAD {filename}

If you make changes in a file that's in a git repository and you have not yet staged them, you can reverse the changes with this command:
$git checkout {filename}, place to store git repositories

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